gonna get to you hang out we're going to get on stage I would like to speak on the issue right and I'm gonna now direct this at Vice President Biden I do not believe you are a racist and I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground but you also worked with them to oppose busing and you know there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day and that little girl was me so I will tell you that on this subject it cannot be an intellectual debate among Democrats we have to take it seriously that might go down as a high point of Camilla Harris has run for president a run that ended today
strapped for cash and seemingly lacking in significant voter support is a somewhat surprising turn though given her extensive political profile in the years leading up to the 2020 race and the overwhelming support she received at her announcement back in January look at that huge crowd but cracks in the foundation of her campaign weren't hard to miss especially in recent weeks there were concerns about fund raising
questions about her ideological place in the field and reports from inside her team about a chaotic campaign
environment I listen I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of the Democratic primary voter but I thought she checked all the boxes I mean I watched her grill William bar and thought I'm a Democrat that's what I want
I watched her on the debate stage it's a moment of genuine emotion again what what happened well first of all I think she ran a great race I think she's a great candidate and I think that you can't see grace I did say she ran a great waste and I wouldn't be in this race but she's dealing in an environment well you have for the first time these kinds of rules that are different I ran row four you didn't have these rules when you have people like a Tom Steyer certain amount of money a certain amount of poll to be in the debates and when you have a steyr who is fine raised great issues but who has never of this woman is a u.s. senator was Attorney General of State and was the District Attorney styie could come in and buy commercials and up his polling and I think that the real problem the
Democrats are going to have is the next debate you have no black on that stage and the Democratic Party cannot have a a stage where black voters do not see themselves in is my point where they don't see themselves reflected and expect we're gonna come out and vote in big numbers you must have black turnout but we don't turn up in the debate but Bob there's something that is wrong with that with some of us going to be quiet what what you shouldn't be quiet but why did Cory Booker and Carmel hearts why were they rating so poorly with african-american voters but you have to go in the polling you have to go to the media there's a lot of reasons that you can come in with that many times do you know the polling that Barack Obama had among black voters and he ended up when they started voting when they started voting he proved the polls wrong and I think we've got to give credit to where credit is due
they ran despite that and the Cory Booker still could qualify if the polls change but I think Pamela Harris you think he's she grilled Bob you wait till they get to the US Senate if there's a trial
I think you've not heard the last of Calvin Harris well I I mean you're on the show all the time I don't often hear you sound this angry what happily today by the DNC was she treated badly by the press I mean just I think she was treated badly by the press I mean I've never seen a candidates taken apart the way she was in the last several days yes there are organizational problems yes there are financial problems but you have people on that debate stage who has no organization at all is Donald Trump who's literally home alone talking to Rudy and himself I mean here's a guy that walks around talking on Twitter all night and and I think again with a lot of assessment has to be made is how the media dealt with it we have to look at the rules but the bottom line I think the general concern that I think Gandhi and I share is that what are you gonna say I just did my three hour radio show what are you gonna say the black voters when they look at that stage and nobody like them is there the Democratic Party is gonna have to look at that and deal with that because that's a problem well I think you that's the problem I mean that's the symptom of the problem that nobody's there what we have to look at is why we had to to your point of the most experienced candidates Cory Booker and Connell eras who
a lot of these other people away as far as their credentials yet we're not connecting that's what we have to look at people are no different than white people and that they just are scared and they wanted to go with the person they think was the most electable full stop and I'm also going to be Switzerland here okay I think you're both right Kamla ran a great campaign
Komal Harris ran a great campaign and that she was such an engaging candidate I've covered a number of presidential candidates she is genuine she's she's sparkling she connects with people I have talked with one of her top
supporters right before we came in here and this person said she lost her sister and the first person to call her was commonly her she's she's the real deal in that sense but there were some real problems in terms of the leadership decisions she had the same people who ran her California campaign running her national campaign and there was a lot of disarray there there were some decisions made that maybe weren't the best and that if you're struggling financially don't get rid of five people on your finance team there were just some big strategic errors trying to get through to her for it for instance I know people who were trying to get through to her hey don't come out the door for Medicare for all there's some major dysfunctional problems with this approach and then having to have her you know backpedal on that so there was there's some
structural serious structural issues but the Rebbe's also write that you know money talks and this is the place where we are right now and our primaries on both sides not to show she their view I love you mucho but we need to be sure I worked for Sarah Palin I carefully watched it covered the campaign of Hillary Clinton I do think that women are still held to different standards as candidates they have to have well-run campaigns
never mind that Donald Trump didn't have a campaign he Lily flew I would hope ironing his pants they they have to be perfect on the stub which she I never saw her stumble Joe Biden is beloved I'm a fan he's never perfect on this time I mean I do think there is a gender piece here that we still suck at talking about no you're right I don't mean to cut you off you're right
she told the guys to shut up women ions a different standard and black woman especially Elton and black women though by the way voted for Trump and the lowest numbers so we they can say they told us so well make the complaint with Pablo Harris's campaign was I didn't really understand what the message was what was driving her she came out of the gate and was so fantastic in that huge rally it was so well executed and orchestrated she looked like someone who was really going to have a top-flight campaign and then as the months went on she never got that bump she would have a moment like when she literally gutted Biden but then she couldn't just take the moment and take the spoils she had to engage in a very contentious national debate over busing which really no one supports and so she couldn't get that traction that she needed and I think at the same time she had the double-edged sword of not just being a woman but being an african-american woman and the judgment and the standards that she had to deal with as that with that baggage hey there I'm Chris Hayes from MSNBC videos
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